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Roles in Course Builder
Naf avatar
Written by Naf
Updated over a week ago


Course Builder administrators can create new Course Builder user accounts by navigating to the Accounts page using the dropdown in the Star menu, and clicking Invite new user.

Please note that users do not receive any notification that an account has been created for them. If you create an account for someone on Course Builder, please let them know and provide them with instructions on how to login to Course Builder.

There are two levels of roles in Course Builder:

  • Org-wide roles

  • Course-level roles

Organization-wide roles

There are two types of organization-wide roles:

  • Standard: This is the most common role and gives users access to the syllabi, lesson plans and assignments for courses they can access. This user will not be able to view courses they are not added to, access admin features, etc.

  • Admin: This role is able to access all courses, regardless of whether they've been added to the course. They can also create new courses, update global course policies, invite users and more.

Organization-wide roles are assigned as part of the account creation process. An administrator can modify an account type by finding the user in the account list, clicking on the user, and choosing Modify Account Type on the right-hand side. The role can be updated by choosing a different entry in the dropdown list that appears.

Course-level roles

For each course, there are three different user roles that have different levels of access:

  • Instructor:

    • Can access the syllabus, lesson plans, and assignments (only as PDFs)

    • Cannot edit any aspect of the course, syllabus, lesson plans or assignments

    • Cannot publish to Forum

    • Cannot view past versions of the syllabus or lesson plans

    • Cannot use in-line comments

    • Can provide feedback on activities for each lesson plan once the lesson plan is taught

  • Author:

    • Can access the course page, syllabus, lesson plans and assignments

    • Can edit any aspect of the course, syllabus, lesson plans, and assignments

    • Cannot publish to Forum

    • Can use in-line comments

  • Reviewer:

    • Can access the course page, syllabus, lesson plans and assignments

    • Can edit any aspect of the course, syllabus, lesson plans and assignments

    • Can publish to Forum

    • Can use in-line comments

    • Can add/edit other users' roles on the course

You can identify your and others' roles by selecting the gear menu in the header bar and clicking Show People and Roles.

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