If you have a Course Builder account, you can login to Course Builder in two ways:
Login via Forum by clicking the Course Builder button
Login from the Course Builder page
If you have issues logging in with the below methods, please reach out to your administrator or our support team at helpdesk@minervaproject.com.
Login via Forum
To login to Course Builder via Forum, you must be the Instructor role for the course, or be an admin in the organization.
Go to forum.minervaproject.com
Navigate to any section by clicking on one of the links under Courses in your left navigation bar
On the right side of the section page, you should see a button titled Course Builder. Click on the button to open Course Builder in a new tab.
Login from the Course Builder page
Note that the above method of logging in to Course Builder via Forum is the recommended route. However, you can login to Course Builder by following these steps:
Click Request a login token
Note: If your organization uses Google Auth with Forum, then click Sign in using Google and follow those steps
Enter in the email address associated with your Forum account and click Send login link
Check your email for a message with the subject "[Course Builder] Login Link"
Follow the steps in the email to complete the login process. Be sure to do this within 24 hours of requesting the login link; otherwise, the link will have expired and you'll need to request a new one.
Note: If the blue login button in the email does not work, copy and paste the code at the bottom of the email into the Login Token field on sign in page.