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Using the Metrics Dashboard
Minerva Dev avatar
Written by Minerva Dev
Updated over a week ago


Forum provides classroom engagement data that faculty can choose to use to review program progress, measure the effect of teaching practices, and identify participants or classes that merit additional attention. This information is only visible to instructors and program administrators.

Accessing the Metrics Dashboard

The Metrics Dashboard is available to instructors and administrators from a specific Section page, by clicking on the Metrics tab at the top of the page. This data is not available to students.

View Data By Section or By Class Session

By default, the dashboard displays an aggregate view of all class sessions for a section. You can also filter to view details for a specific class session via the dropdown menu on the right of the Metrics Dashboard page:

Section/Class Overview

The Overview card provides a summary of the high level engagement metrics for the session. Note: A session is defined as the time between the explicit start and end times of a class session.

  • Participant/Learner Talk Time is the percentage of session talk time, not including breakouts, in which participants spoke.

  • Instructor Talk Time is the percentage of session talk time, not including breakouts, in which the instructor or other starred participants spoke.

  • Attendance is the percent of enrolled participants who attended class.

While in class, you'll see a participant or instructor's video feed outlined in green when they're talking. The green outline also signifies that the participant or instructor is accruing more Talk Time. To learn more about how Participant or Instructor Talk Time is calculated, see this article on Talk Time.

If the Instructor or Participant Talk Time does not match your expectations, or if you're not seeing the green outline while someone is speaking, make sure that the instructor and participant microphones are working correctly. For more information, see this article: Troubleshooting issues with your microphone.

Section/Class Activity

The Activity card provides totals and averages for various engagement features in the classroom, including:

  • The total number of Reactions, and the average per participant.

  • The total number of Hand Raises, and the average per participant.

  • The total number of Chat Messages, and the average per participant.

  • The total number of Minutes in Breakouts, and the conversion from minutes to percentage of session time.

  • The total number of Polls Conducted, and the average per session.

Section/Class Engagement

The Class Engagement card provides a variety of engagement-related information for each participant during the plenary session (i.e. outside of breakouts). Participants are listed from least to most talk time, so those participants with the least amount of talk time are displayed first. For each student:

  • Talk Time is the number of minutes a participant was recorded speaking. Talk time is displayed in orange when the total is 30%, or more, below the mean talk time for all participants. Otherwise, Talk Time is displayed in green.

  • Signals is the total combined number of reactions, yes/no votes, and hand raises used by the participant. The breakdown of signals is available on mouse hover.

  • Chats is the total number of chat messages sent by the participant.

  • Window Focus is the percentage of class time in which the Forum window was visible during class.

  • TT History lists the Talk Time for the previous four sessions. More information is available on mouse hover.

(Section) Breakout Engagement

Similar to Class Engagement, the Breakout Engagement card provides engagement-related information for each participant during breakouts. Participants are listed from least to most breakout talk time, so those participants with the least amount of talk time are displayed first. For each participant:

  • Talk Time is the number of minutes a participant was recorded speaking during breakouts. Talk time is displayed in orange when the total is 30%, or more, below the mean talk time for the other participants. Otherwise, Talk Time is displayed in green.

  • TT History lists the Talk Time for the previous four classes or sessions. More information is available on mouse hover.

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