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Assessing Poll Responses
Naf avatar
Written by Naf
Updated over a week ago

Assessing Poll Responses

Viewing Poll Responses

To view poll responses, click either the Assess Class or Assess this Class button, as pictured below.

Assigning Scores to Polls

Click the Polls button to see the responses to polls conducted in the class.

To select a specific poll to grade, click the desired poll under the JUMP TO section.

Click Add Assessment, and fill in the desired score, comment, and learning outcome for each response. Click Save to save the score, or Delete to delete the score. To add multiple assessments to a poll response, click Add Assessment again.

To filter polls by student, click All Students and select the student you wish to score. Their poll responses will then appear for you to assess.

Publishing Scores

To publish the scores for all students, click Unpublished in the upper right. A message will appear asking, ‘Are you sure you want to release these scores and comments to students?’ Click OK to release the scores.

Non-gradable polls

It is possible to create non-gradable polls. This can be done in two ways: in Coursebuilder and in Forum.

In Forum

To categorize a poll as non-gradable in Forum, simply navigate to the ‘Polls & Breakouts’ section of the class session.

Select the poll that you would like to make non-gradable.

Once the relevant poll is selected, choose ‘None’ for grading type from the drop-down menu. This makes the poll non-gradable for that session.

In Course Builder

To make a poll not gradable, you first need to log into Course Builder. When on the appropriate Lesson Plan page, find the poll step in the Lesson Plan you wish to edit. There will be an option to either have the poll graded or not graded. Select “Not Gradable” if you wish to turn grading off. You can then edit and publish the lesson plan as needed.

View instructor notes

Instructor notes are available in the poll grader so that you can easily reference notes that help with grading. To access these notes, click on View Instructor Notes at the top of the left-hand menu. This will open the class notes relevant to that poll.

Blind grading

To anonymize student responses and protect against bias in grading, enable blind grading. You can do this by toggling the Blind Grading switch at the top left of the class grading page. Enabling this feature will hide all students' names within the poll grader.

Note that blind grading is only available for poll grading and assignment grading.

Publishing scores

To publish the scores for all students, click Unpublished in the upper right corner. A message will appear asking, "Are you sure you want to release these scores and comments to students?" Click OK to release the scores.

Assessing multiple poll responses with bulk assess

For improved efficiency, instructors can select multiple poll responses to add a score, outcome, and comment. See Assessing Multiple Poll Responses with Bulk Assess for more information.

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