The following definitions apply to data in the Section Summary, Assessment Details, and Assessment Audit reports. See Grading Reports for details on how to access and create these reports.
Student Name - the student's first and last names
Student ID - an identification number for the student (if provided to Minerva)
Student Email - the student's email address
Course Code - the alphanumeric code assigned to the course in Course Builder
Course Title - the text name of the course published from Course Builder
Section Title - the text name of the section assigned on Forum
Fields specific to the Section Summary report
Instructor ID - an identification number for the section's instructor (if provided to Minerva)
Course Credits - the number of credits assigned to the course in Course Builder
Total Absences - the total number of absences detected for the student
Excused Absences - the total number of absences marked excused for the student
Unexcused Absences - the total number of absences not marked excused for the student
Documented Absences - the number of absences marked as "Documented" for the student
Projected Grade - the projected letter grade, calculated based on the organization's conversion scale from Avg. Outcome to grade
Avg. Outcome - the average of all CO averages in the course, each of which is the weighted average of all LO scores given to LOs within that CO
To learn more about the different types of absences, see Tracking Absences in Forum.
Fields shared by the Assessment Details and Assessment Audit reports
Assessment Type - one of "poll", "video", "general", or "assignment" depending on where the assessment was added. The "general" and "video" types are both assessments on a class; the only difference is that "general" assessments are not attached to any specific moment during the class
Class Title - the text name of the class session published from Course Builder, or "N/A" if Assessment Type is not "video" or "general"
Class Number - the sequence number of the class session published from Course Builder, or "N/A" if Assessment Type is not "video" or "general"
Assignment Title - the title of the assessed assignment, or "N/A" if Assessment Type is not "assignment"
Group Assignment - boolean indicating if the assignment being assessed was a group assignment, or "N/A" if Assessment Type is not "assignment"
Poll Title - the title of the assessed poll, or "N/A" if Assessment Type is not "poll"
Grader Name - the name of the user who created the outcome assessment represented by this row
Grader Email - the email of the user who created the outcome assessment represented by this row
Updated Date - the date that the outcome assessment represented by this row was last updated
Comment - text written by the grader as feedback to the student
Score - numerical score given by the grader to the student
Weight - the multiplier specified for the assignment in Course Builder (or 1 if Assessment Type is poll or video)
HC Name - the Habit of Mind or Foundational Concept assessed (if applicable)
Learning Outcome Name - the Learning Outcome assessed (if applicable)
Fields specific to the Assessment Audit report
Assessment ID - an identifier for the outcome assessment. Multiple rows may have the same Assessment ID if an assessment was edited.
Current - boolean indicating if this row is the current version of the assessment given
Deleted - boolean indicating if this row represents a deleted outcome assessment