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Assessing Breakouts
Laura Ruiz avatar
Written by Laura Ruiz
Updated over a week ago

Breakout Grading allows instructors to grade Workbooks and Forum Docs that students work on during breakout sessions. Breakout audio and video are not available to be graded.

This feature is available under the "Workbooks" tab in the class grader, in the same location where pre-class work is also available. The “Jump to” section contains all the breakout sessions conducted, as well as the pre-class work workbook for the class if it exists.

The groups are named numerically and do not show which students were in each group. Assessments on a group apply to all students of a group.

Assessments to breakouts will show up on students’ "Recently Graded" panel as a generic class assessment. Students will need to navigate to the relevant breakout session manually to see whether they have received an assessment on a specific breakout.

After assessments for a class are released, students will be able to see a read-only version of their own breakout documents and the assessments within them.

Note: Group workbooks will be read-only in the class grader, but if a student opens the workbook in a separate tab during the class, they can continue editing it after class has ended, and changes will be reflected in the class grader. This means a breakout workbook in the grader might not be an accurate reflection of student work.

In the future, breakout grader will contain a read-only copy of the breakout workbook taken at the time the class ends.

Grading and course scoring

If a course is using the Course Objective grading scheme, breakout assessments will be weighted the same as poll and video assessments for the same class.

If a course is using the Assessment Type grading scheme, breakouts will show up as a different scoring category on the syllabus page in Course Builder.

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