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Samad Twemlow-carter avatar
Written by Samad Twemlow-carter
Updated over 4 years ago

Starting a Poll

You can start a poll from the timeline:

or select it from the Polls option in the toolbar under “Start a saved poll”

Creating a Poll

To create a new poll, click the Polls option on the toolbar, and select the type of poll you want to create.

Fill in the question (and answer options for multiple-choice polls), and choose who should be able to see the responses. Click Begin to start the poll.

Note: there is a 600 character limit for all long form poll responses.

Poll Responses

For multiple-choice polls and yes/no polls, click Pie Chart or Bar Chart to change the type of chart displayed. Hover your mouse cursor over each answer to see who voted for that response.

Students have a colored bar representing their choice at the bottom edge of their video. If multiple polls have been conducted concurrently, then students will have multiple color bars below their videos.

For long form polls, a blue bar will appear at the bottom edge of a user’s video after they submit a response

During a poll, the poll response bar in the sidebar fills as students submit their responses.

Featuring a Poll Response

Click Feature response to highlight a response for the class, as shown below.

Quick Polling

To take a quick poll, ask students to signal yes or no using the ‘y’ and ‘n’ shortcut keys. Alternatively, students can click Vote yes or Vote no in the toolbar. As students vote, you can see the YES/NO vote bars fill up in the sidebar, as shown below.

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