Whiteboard Updates
The Forum whiteboard has been updated with new features to enhance collaboration and usability. Users can now access more colors, fonts, shapes, and sticky notes. The whiteboard can be used on its own or overlaid on slides, PDFs, and images for annotations.
Drawing Tools
The drawing tools menu appears at the bottom of the whiteboard by default.
When viewing a PDF or image, the drawing tools can be accessed by clicking the pencil icon in the top right corner.
Available tools:
Cursor, click and drag, draw, erase, line, text, sticky note, and shape.
Additional shapes are available from the caret dropdown next to the shape tool.
Style Options
To the right of the tools menu, an expansion button opens additional style options:
Color and opacity
Shape overlap behavior
Line and border styles
Line and text sizes (S, M, L, XL)
Note: The pen tool is not enabled by default. Click the pencil icon in the top right corner to annotate a file.
Whiteboard Zoom & Navigation
Zoom Controls
The whiteboard now has zoom controls in the top left corner, allowing users to:
Zoom in
Zoom out
Zoom to 100%
Zoom to fit
Zoom to selection
Navigating the Infinite Canvas
The new whiteboard is an infinite canvas.
A map in the top left shows the current view, with a darker rectangle representing the visible area.
Navigation options:
Click and drag or scroll to move the current view.
Click on an object out of frame to bring it into view.
If all content is out of view, a “Back to Content” button appears in the top left corner to reset the view.
Classroom Controls for Instructors
By default, students can draw on the whiteboard.
Instructors can disable student drawing by:
Clicking the gear icon in the top right corner of the whiteboard.
Setting permissions to “Students Cannot Draw”.
For any questions, please contact helpdesk@minervaproject.com.